Thoughts & Randomness

30 Day BL Drama Challenge – [Day 13]

Day 13 prompt: Favorite soundtrack.

This was actually a bit difficult for me because I honestly don’t pay attention to the music in shows and movies unless it’s really bad or really good and ear catching. But after some thinking, two shows came to mind. I found the music in these two series the most memorable even if it was only a couple songs that caught my attention.

1.) Lovesick the series

Lovesick, The Series

This show released back in 2014 (I think??) and I thought the theme song was so catchy and beautiful. Not only that, but the actors/actresses they got for the series actually had some really nice voices. There is a version of the theme song with the original singer, Boy Sompob. And there is a version sung by the cast. Both versions are amazing.

Other than that, there were only a few songs and instrumentals throughout the series that I actually remember and I still kinda like them lol. So that’s why I chose Lovesick the series. It’s to the point now where every time I hear the theme song I get hit with a humongous wave of nostalgia despite never finishing season 2.

2.) Where Your Eyes Linger

I. Loved. This. Series.

At only 8 episodes, it was waaaayyyy too short for my liking. Especially when those 8 episodes are like, 10 freakin minutes! I wanted more so badly and I truly hope that we get another season to see where the relationship between these two go.

If a second season were to be made, it would definitely have to take on a more mature tone as Tae Joo has finished university and Gang Gook is looking for work. They are adults now so it would be so interesting to see what their adult life entails now that they both can be together without any input from Tae Joo’s dad.

Anyways, the music in this series was SUPERB and almost every time a song came on, I was ready to Shazam it to see who the artist was. The song choices were perfect and always fit a particular scene really well. I have a review on this show already so if you want to know my thoughts about it, go give it a read 🙂

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