• Thoughts & Randomness

    30 Day BL Drama Challenge – [Day 16]

    Day 16 prompt: Favorite BL drama parent. This one was actually a bit difficult for me to choose because of the BL dramas I have seen, parents don’t play huge role unless they are an antagonist to the story. For example: Fighter’s dad in Why R U or Xiang Hao Ting’s dad in Make Our Days Count or the horrible human being that was Tae Joo’s dad in Where Your Eyes Linger. So I really had to think about this and decided to choose two parents. 1) Pete’s dad from Dark Blue Kiss I liked Pete’s dad because he was patient, understanding, and completely accepting of Pete’s sexuality. Like, it…

  • Thoughts & Randomness

    30 Day BL Drama Challenge – [Day 15]

    Day 15 prompt: Favorite BL drama trope. HATE TO LOVE! I don’t even know why but I liiiivvveeee for this trope. Especially when it’s done right. And for the record, no, TharnType did not do this trope justice and I don’t care if you disagree lol. It’s my personal opinion. Dramas that actually did a good job with this trope: SOTUS The Series Why R U The Series Dark Blue Kiss Make Our Days Count My Bromance (the movie) These are actually some of my favorite couples and you can read my post on all my faves here. As more and more films and series come out, I’m sure I…

  • Thoughts & Randomness

    30 Day BL Drama Challenge – [Day 6]

    Okay so clearly consistency is just not my thing so for the record, I will be posting these day challenges whenever I get the time lolllll. The prompt for Day 6 is: Favorite Male Character. This is actually quite hard for me Because it is so easy to choose who all my faves are from my favorite drama which is SOTUS. But that will be too obvious. So I’m going to choose someone else and that someone is Mork from Dark Blue Kiss. I have no idea how or why I fell in love with Mork but I did. He could be a bit of a hothead but he was…

  • Thoughts & Randomness

    Dark Blue Kiss – Mork Appreciation Post

    I just finished watching Dark Blue Kiss a few days ago and one of the characters that I have grown to really like was the character Mork. Known to resort to fighting to solve his problems, Mork can be pretty hot-tempered at times. But really, Mork is a laid back type of guy that truly cares for the people close to him. He is loyal and a huge protector and I luubbbb hiiimmm! Mork is also one of the prettiest and handsomest guys I’ve ever seen in a drama..? Like, how can you be handsome and pretty at the same time? Idk but Mork be serving all types of looks…

  • reviews,  Thai drama

    [Dark Blue Kiss] Episode 12 – The Finale

    So I have finally come to the end of this roller coaster of a drama and I am soooo happy lol! It is safe to say that Dark Blue Kiss has been THEE drama to get my freakin blood pressure high and make me want to punch a wall lollll. Whew! The entirety of episode 12 was one big ball of fluff and it was a much needed reprieve after everything that went down in the past four episodes. Seriously, ever since the end of episode 7, it has just been one big, crazy, messy storm! But this is the episode where everything came together and I can finally breathe…

  • reviews,  Thai drama

    [Dark Blue Kiss] Episode 10 & 11

    OOOOOMMMGGGG!!! YOU GUYYSSS. When I say things have gotten waaaayyyyy out of hand, yikes they have completely gone way too far! It’s killing me to even be writing this review right now instead of watching episode 12. I didn’t think I could get any more pissed off than I already was, but I was wrong about myself. Let’s get into this. Pete & Kao Pete and Kao are still in Struggle Bus City. Apparently some months have passed since the big blow up between them in the last episode and things are getting worse and worse. Well, not for Pete. Aside from being sad and missing Kao but still being…

  • rants,  reviews,  Thai drama

    [Dark Blue Kiss] Episode 9

    This is the gif that perfectly explains Dark Blue Kiss episode 9. Literally everything is falling to shit between our couples and I feel so many things right now. I made the mistake of watching this episode before going to sleep last night so everything has stewed inside me and I feel fired up. So let’s get into my thoughts, shall we? Mork & Sun Mork is now in the hospital from getting jumped by Lord only knows how many people. He’s bruised and battered and it’s not specified how long he needs to stay in the hospital. Sun finds out what happened after he comes back from the barista…

  • reviews,  Thai drama

    [Dark Blue Kiss] Episode 8

    Okay! So episode 8 was literally PeteKao cuteness overload and I’ve been grinning like an idiot at my screen ever since. After their anniversary celebration in the last episode, I think these new tender moments were really needed. Not only for the viewer, but for Pete. Pete really needs this kind of time spent with Kao so he can know that Kao’s feelings for him are true. I mentioned before that Pete and Kao have different love styles. Kao is more of a quality time lover. And he especially shows these traits in this episode by telling Pete that he doesn’t think about the future. He is just happy to…

  • reviews,  Thai drama

    [Dark Blue Kiss] Episode 7

    Hello wonderful readers! Before we start, I just want to give myself a pat on the back at how consistent I have been lately with my posts. I hope that doesn’t sound vain but a goal of mine was and is to be consistent with this blog. I am proud that I am actually doing it and I hope I can remain consistent. Life hasn’t been hectic lately and I’m taking full advantage of that fact. So anyway, on to episode 7! Episode 7 is actually really cute! Non is there and is still working my nerves. But something that stood out for me in this episode is that Kao…

  • reviews,  Thai drama

    [Dark Blue Kiss] Episode 6

    Episode 6 picks up where episode 5 leaves off with Sun driving Mork somewhere we don’t know yet. Like I said before, he basically kidnapped him because it’s becoming more and more apparent that he likes him and just wants to spend time with him. But in the first half of the episode, we actually don’t get that much from them. This is super unfortunate for me because I’m so annoyed by the whole Pete/Kao/Non foolishness. I’ve made it known that their screentime aggravates me because they are allowing a kid to come between them. Kao still believes that Non is an innocent, troubled child. But he’s not! He might…