Thai drama,  Thoughts & Randomness

Love By Chance Season 2!

So it has been announced that Love By Chance is getting a season 2!! Cue the celebrations!

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It was announced a week ago. You best believe I watched the unofficial trailer when it dropped! But I’m just now getting around to making a post about it because you know, adulting.

Anyway! I am so happy about this news. Love By Chance was definitely one of my favorite BLs if not the favorite BL drama of 2018 for me. I normally do not watch dramas as they air because I like to binge watch them. Then I end up just watching the series super late (like I did with SOTUS season 2). But I actually watched Love By Chance as it aired weekly, fell in love with it, then started writing recaps for it. This blog was started on Love By Chance recaps! But well…we all know how that ended: I never finished the recaps lol.

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It’s cool…it’s not like I’m ashamed or anything….

I apologize to anyone who was reading them and actually wanted me to continue. I did get a couple comments on my tumblr telling me that they were enjoying my recaps and my explanations about the whole Tharn, Type, Tum, Tar love rectangle really helped them when watching the series. Now, Tharn and Type have had their own series, the final episode just aired a few days ago, and I still haven’t finished the LBC recaps smh.

But now that I know that a season 2 is coming, guess who’s about to go on a rewatching binge? Meeeeee! Lol. There has been no official air date released. So, it could be a whole year or more before they we even see a season 2. But that’s okay. I’m still excited for it anyway.

Judging from the unofficial trailer, season 2 is going to focus more on Tin and Can, and Kengkla and Techno. In the promo we got to see more of them instead of Ae and Pete. In fact, Pete’s character is not even going to be in this new season. I’ve seen rumours online that it’s going to be written into the series that Pete’s character is studying abroad, so he won’t be around. That’s sucks because I really like Ae and Pete together.

I’ve also seen people online who have read the books of this series say that Pete studies abroad in the book series as well. Only, it happens much later in the series. But since Saint (the actor playing Pete) has other acting projects and was notified very late about filming the series, he wasn’t able to do it. So the writers made Pete’s travel abroad happen sooner rather than later.

I am bit saddened by this because Saint and Perth have such great chemistry together and I love seeing them as Ae and Pete. Because of this, I am almost expecting season 2 to focus more on Tin and Can as their relationship was left unfinished in season 1 and aslo Kengkla and Techno as their storyline was only just starting when the season ended.

I am one of the few that actually don’t even like Tin and Can and I didn’t care about them in the series. But even I was livid at how their relationship ended in the series. To be fair though, I saw online (from Thai speakers who understand much more than I do) that there was some drama going on with Director Neww of Love By Chance and some of the actors’ managers. There was also problems with funding. So there was already supposed to be a season 2 but because of those issues, season 2 was scrapped.

But good news prevails because we’re getting a season 2 again! Yay ^_^

And I just have to add that aside from Saint not returning, I am so freakin happy that all the other old actors are returning. We didn’t see a few of them but of course, the trailer is unofficial so there is a chance that more will return.

One actor I am for sure glad he returned is Gun, the actor that plays Techno. A different actor was casted to play Techno in the TharnType series (well…all the characters were recasted) and I honestly was not a fan of him. At first I thought I was just missing Gun as Techno but after watching some other things that the other actor has played in, I know now that I am just not a fan of him as an actor.

Oh well. I am just happy all the other actors are returning for this new project.

I’m thinking about finshing my recaps now that I am going to do a rewatch binge. And for season 2, I will just stick with reviews instead lol. Recaps just take too long to write for me because I want everything to be perfect. So I guess that’s my own fault. In the future, I might just leave my recaps for shorter series or series that have short episodes.

So that’s my good news for now. I will continue to lurk in the forums for any news pertaining to the series 😀

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