• reviews,  Thai drama

    [The Stranded] Episode 7 – The Finale

    So I finally finished this darn series and this was my face by the time the ending credits rolled, What frikken type of ending was that?? It seriously feels like the series was cut in half just to see how well it will do, then call the second half “season 2”. I FEEL BAMBOOZLED! I’VE BEEN SWINDLED! Thats’s 7 episodes of 45-50 minutes a piece of my life that I won’t get back! I had a feeling this series was going to end on a cliffhanger and boy was I right. I should have stopped after the first few episodes. In this episode, absolutely everything goes to shit. Everyone turns…

  • reviews,  Thai drama

    [The Stranded] Episode 6

    Okay, so what… the actual… frik… I have absolutely noooooo idea what the heck is going on anymore in this show. The past five episodes have been eerie but still interesting. There is a mystery about this island that I was trying to solve; there’s moral grayness among all the characters; And lastly, I’m hopful these kids will get the heck off this darn island. However! Episode 6 took a wild turn and now this show is just freakin weird. Nothing makes sense anymore and absolutely nothing is tying together. It seems like the writers tried to pump up the thriller aspect of the show because creepy and strange things…

  • reviews,  Thai drama

    [The Stranded] Episode 5

    Ohhhhh boy. As if things couldn’t get any more intense than they already are. Sheesh, where do I even start? It’s the same people from the last episode getting screen time in this episode. So, I guess I will just write in the same format I did for my last review. Ice Ice is doing so much better now after his little “exorcism” from Nahm. He is helping build the boat and sail and hasn’t gone back to drinking and smoking. Probably because he is no longer trying to drown out hidden guilt and torment. He’s smiling and interacting with the other students. I wouldn’t say he actually has any…

  • reviews,  Thai drama

    [The Stranded] Episode 4

    Soooooo…episode 4 happened and I am now an emotional wreck. I was not expecting the sudden emotional turn of this show. All I want to do right now is get under my covers, roll over, and stare at the wall. The show still has three more episodes and honestly I’m just…I’ll be okay…maybe. A loooottt went down in this episode and many secrets have come to light. Everything is blurring the lines between what is good and what is bad. Lines have been crossed and many characters now seem to be morally gray. Things aren’t as simple as strictly being black or white. Ice In the previous episode, Ice went…

  • reviews

    [The Stranded] Episode 3

    The Stranded episode 3, so far, has been the episode that’s really gotten me antsy. Episode 3 has been the most eerie and has given the viewer brief glimpses into deeper stories. I still have no idea where any of the storylines are taking us and I keep asking myself how on earth will everything get answered in only 7 episodes. In this episode, we get to know a little more about another character, a girl named Nahm. She is a quiet girl that everyone tolerates. People mostly just think she is strange and keep their distance from her. They don’t go out of their way to bully her like…

  • reviews,  Thai drama

    [The Stranded] Episode 2

    Okay, so I finally got around to watching episode 2 of The Stranded. Again, the intensity of this show is catching me so off guard but it’s so interesting. I am having a hard time learning the names of the characters simply because there are just too many. So, I’m just going to focus on the main ones. The main characters that get the most screen time are: Anan – A boy who comes from a rich family and struggles with feeling accepted by his peers. He just wants to be a leader so badly but he honestly just tries too hard and thinks too much. His peers don’t take…

  • reviews,  Thai drama

    [The Stranded] Episode 1

    The Stranded is a new Netflix series from Thailand that aired last month. I’m usually not one to take an interest in shows or movies with kids trapped on an island. I was traumatized from watching Lord of The Flies back in high school so I swore off of such films, series, and books. But I wanted to give this show a try because the filming budget looked like a huge upgrade from the Thai dramas I have been watching. Also, a few actors and actresses that I recognized are in this show and I wanted to see them. Perth, Mark, Jan, and Beam. At only 7 episodes in total,…