• Thoughts & Randomness

    30 Day BL Drama Challenge – [Day 17]

    Day 17 prompt: Favorite Kiss! Out of all the prompts so far, this was by far the easiest for me to choose. My all time favorite kiss is the Kongpob and Arthit rooftop kiss from SOTUS The Series season 1. There are just so many things about this kiss that make me squeal and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. All the angst that led up to the kiss in the first place, the fact that just before the kiss was when Arthit admitted in front of all his friends that they were dating, and also how shy they both got right after the kiss. Omggg I heart them <3…

  • Thoughts & Randomness

    30 Day BL Drama Challenge – [Day 3]

    Hello everyone! Okay, so I missed a few days lol. I’m not used to posting everyday and I straight up forgot that this challenge was an everyday thing hahaha. Anywho! The prompt for day 3 is “favorite couple” and I’m practically dyyyyiiinnnggg that I have to choose only one! Since I have to choose one, it should be no secret at all that my ultimate OTP is Kongpob and Arthit from SOTUS: The Series. Them being together brings me so much joy that I end up just giggling like the goofy fangirl that I am every time I see a picture of them. I mean, look at them. LOOK AT…

  • reviews

    [Our Skyy] Episode 5 – Kongpob & Arthit

    I’ve finally watched the last episode of Our Skyy. It’s the finale of the Our Skyy episodes as well as the offical end of SOTUS. This was by far the perfect ending to the SOTUS universe for me. I wasn’t sure if this episode was going to be corny like the others or not. It turns out, this episode touched on something that is actually quite serious in relationships and one that I can personally relate to. In this episode, it is year 4 of their relationship and Kongpob has graduated from university. He has also applied for a scholarship to study abroad in China (for graduate school, I believe).…

  • reviews,  Thai drama

    [Sotus S] Episode 13 – The Finale

    Right off the bat, we are picking up where episode 12 left off. It’s the end of the party and people are going home now. People are still reeling from Arthit’s revelation but everyone is very nice about it. Arthit even went so far as to admit to everyone that he was fearful when the picture went around so he tried to hide his real feelings. But really all he was doing was hurting the person he loved. And yes he used the word LOVE! Arthit’s big reveal got P’Yong thinking and so when the party is over, he runs out after Nai who is waiting for his taxi. You…

  • reviews,  Thai drama

    [Sotus S] Episode 12

    We are coming upon the end, friends! Only one more episode of Sotus S after this and then we are finished 🙁 Episode 12 was a little difficult to watch at first. Even with all the rumors and gossip going around about them now because of the picture, I just wanted to slap some sense into Arthit! Lots of people around the company are talking about the photo of Kongpob and Arthtit. Some people think it’s cute, while others are in shock. But something that stuck out to me and really made me smile was how supportive and unchanging P’Earth and Tod are about the whole thing. Earth talks to…

  • reviews,  Thai drama

    [Sotus S] Episode 11

    Episode 11 picks up right where episode 10 leaves off, with Kongpob and P’Danai finishing up the phone call with the new supplier. And it turns out I was right. Kongpob called his father and asked if his company will produce the rest of the materials. Tod asks if he can be the one to go and meet with the new supplier because he wants to take responsibility. Arthtit asks to go along too and P’Danai agrees. While there, everything goes well and the new supplier is happy to help. But as Arthit is leaving, he sees a large family photo on the wall and guess who’s in the photo?…

  • Thoughts & Randomness,  Uncategorized

    My Favorite BL Couples

    Hello and Happy New Year everyone! 2019 is offically over and I want to start the new year on this blog by sharing some of my favorite BL couples with you all. Now, this is not my favorites for the year 2019 only. These are my all-time favorite couples from dramas and movies I have completed, in no particular order. When compiling this list for myself, I have realized something. I seem to grow an attachment to couples where both or at least one of them love unapologetically with their whole heart. They only have one person on their mind and even if being with this person is new territory…

  • reviews

    [Sotus S] Episode 10

    I would like to offer a quick apology for such a long absence between my SOTUS reviews. I seriously have no excuse besides laziness, distractions, and still not wanting SOTUS to end. So anyway! In episode 10, we are still at the beach with the company having fun. But things turn awry quickly when P’Danai finds out that the new product they have been producing (the one P’John’s team presented) have all been rejected. All the different departments call a meeting with their staff members at the beach and call off the fun activities. We find out that the product is a smokeless griller but they are being rejected because…

  • reviews,  Thai drama

    [Sotus S] Episode 9

    Episode 9 starts off the next day at work, after Kongpob has told Arthit that he loves him. It’s kind of a big day because the company has chosen which departments the interns are going to stay in for the rest of their internships. The internship is 3 months long. The first month was spent trying out the different departments and the following two months will be spent in the department chosen for them. Both Kongpob and Nai want to be placed in the production department. So they meet up with P’Durian (the secretary/assistant…still not entirely sure what her job title is) and she tells them where they will be…

  • reviews,  Thai drama

    [Sotus S] Episode 8

    Hello allllll! Back again with my Sotus S episode reviews. I know it’s been a long time. Episode 7 ended with Kongpob telling Arthit that he basically has no idea how to act with him since Arthit’s attitude and reactions are so unpredictable. We really didn’t get much after that. They just kind of stood silently staring at each other. Then Arthit moved closer to him to let him know that it’s okay if they stand close. So fast forward to the next day and the boys are at work. P’Earth asks Kongpob to deliver something to the head of the accounting department. Her name is Paga and she is…