• Thoughts & Randomness

    30 Day BL Drama Challenge – [Day 18]

    Day 18 prompt: BL drama that was a major let down. This was easy for me because the very first thing that came to mind was all the En of Love episodes. Idk what I was expecting with this drama but what we got was just….not it. I feel like all three storylines were badly written and badly acted. In my opinion, only one of the three even had a plot that could be developed into an actual full-blown storyline and that was Love Mechanics. The other two could have easily been completed in a single 20-30 minute episode. In the forums that I am a part of, En of…

  • Thoughts & Randomness

    16 BL couples with real life age gaps

    Hello hello! 🙂 Yes, it has been a while since I have written a post on this blog. My workload for my job has increased lately and I really just haven’t had the time or the mindset to sit down and blog. Because if anyone doesn’t know, blogging actually really does take a lot of time. I haven’t even started watching any new series since WHY R U ended either. But anyway, the other day I was thinking about WHY R U The Series as I finished it not too long ago, and I was shocked to find out that the main couples have an age gap between them despite…

  • reviews,  Thai drama

    [TharnType] Episode 5

    Okay, so we are finally back to watching TharnType and while some annoyance still lingers for me, I’m glad this episode opens up with some fluffiness. Tharn is a bit overboard with his cutesiness but I’m happy for the break in sexual tension. Starting out the boys are out buying new bedsheets for Type since they ruined his from having so much sex the previous nights. I’m not sure why a simple wash and dry in a washing machine isn’t an option but whatever. We need a storyline, I guess. From there, the boys are spending time together and getting to know each other more. Really, it’s Type getting to…

  • Thai drama,  Thoughts & Randomness,  Uncategorized

    [TharnType] Book vs Series

    Okay, so this will be quick. I know that my last few posts about TharnType the series has been quite ranty. In my very last review post I even said that episode 4 was going to be the final review that I write. Well I am here to retract that statement and give the show another chance. A couple days ago I discovered a youtube channel that has been posting videos about the missing information from the TharnType book. Apparently there are some Thai fans who have read the book and are not satisfied with how the series is showing things. It is leaving so much out and also a…

  • reviews,  Thai drama

    [TharnType] Episode 4

    Oi… What am I doing still watching this show? Idk. Your guess is as good as mine. I’m stating right now that this is most likely going to be the last episode I write a review on. This show is just not going the way I thought it would. At all. Like, I actually just want to go rewatch Trapped. At least that show had a good script. At least that show had a good storyline. And at least that show had likable characters and a great romance. So anyway. This episode starts off still dealing with the after effects of Type lashing out at those two gay dudes and…

  • rants,  reviews

    [TharnType] Episode 3

    Okay, so this review is pretty much going to be more of a rant and most likely not very thorough because I did not enjoy it that much and the ending just completely pissed me off. I keep trying to tell myself that this is a show. This is fiction. But I’m upset. The episode basically picks up where episode 2 left off with Type entering the bedroom and Tharn is standing there smiling all goofy because he heard what Type said to Champ outside the door. So Type gives Tharn some food as a way to say thank you but of course he can’t help but continue to be…

  • rants

    Sexual Harrassment in Dramas & Selective Outrage

    This topic has been something that pops into my mind every now and then but after the release of the newly debuted TV series, TharnType, I would like to talk about it. Sexual harrassment in dramas and the selective outrage from viewers. In terms of how long I have been watching Asian dramas, I would be considered young; I have only been watching them for three years. The majority of the dramas I watch are from Thailand or China. One of the things that I have noticed in a lot of these dramas is the romantisization of bullying, sexual harrassment, and rape. And long story short, IT BOTHERS ME. It’s…

  • reviews,  Thai drama

    [TharnType] Episode 2

    So Episode 2 picks up right where Episode 1 left off: with both boys in bed together, only Type is now covered in hickeys. It’s morning now and Tharn is calling Type, trying to get him to wake up. Type is busy getting all snuggly until he realizes who exactly he’s snuggling up to. He finally opens his eyes and falls out the bed in a panic cursing like a sailor and calling Tharn all types of names. When Tharn realizes that he’s really serious, shaking in fear, and actually looks scared, he explains to him that nothing happened and Type is the one who crawled into his bed. Or…

  • reviews,  Thai drama

    [TharnType] Episode 1

    TharnType the series has officially started! And my oh my have we gotten off to a quick start! I have been waiting for months for this show to finally air and yaaaayyy Episode 1 has finally made it’s debut. I’m a bit torn between doing reviews or recaps, but I think I will just stick with reviews. I know I’m going to want to talk about my feelings and opinions towards things more so let’s get started! Episode 1 starts off with a bang. We meet Type who is on the soccer team. He does this whole monologue about himself so we as the viewer can get to know him.…