• reviews,  Thai drama

    [Review] Saifah & Zon Story

    Omg helloooo!!! Have I really been away for 8 months? Did I really only post two blog posts in the whole of 2021?? Wow, yes I did. Long story short, 2021 was not very kind to me. Things did get better for me towards the end of the year (I found a new job and moved into my first apartment!), but man did it take a long time to get to that point. I spent the majority of the year struggling in my personal life and feeling very sad. At this point, I am completely over this pandemic and I just want it to GO AWAY. But anyway, yall are…

  • Thai drama,  Thoughts & Randomness

    Why R U: Saifah & Zon Story

    OMG YOU GUUUUYYYSSSS!!!! It’s finally happening!! Saifah and Zon are finally getting their story told and I can’t freakin wait! The trailer for their show premiered just 14 hours ago and kudos to the creators for having English subtitles already embedded in the video for the international fans! 😀 I have been away from social media and all things BL since my last post but then I log in today for the first time, and this is what I see? Omg I am so happy. If you are not new to my WHY R U reviews then it should be kinda obvious that Saifah and Zon were my favorite couple…

  • Thoughts & Randomness

    30 Day BL Drama Challenge – [Day 15]

    Day 15 prompt: Favorite BL drama trope. HATE TO LOVE! I don’t even know why but I liiiivvveeee for this trope. Especially when it’s done right. And for the record, no, TharnType did not do this trope justice and I don’t care if you disagree lol. It’s my personal opinion. Dramas that actually did a good job with this trope: SOTUS The Series Why R U The Series Dark Blue Kiss Make Our Days Count My Bromance (the movie) These are actually some of my favorite couples and you can read my post on all my faves here. As more and more films and series come out, I’m sure I…

  • Thoughts & Randomness

    30 Day BL Drama Challenge – [Day 4]

    Hello and I hope you all are having a good day today. It’s cloudy and rainy where I am but that’s okay. Today’s prompt for the 30 Day BL Drama Challenge is: Favorite side couple. Now I have a small handful of side couples that I have liked over the years. But since I have to choose only one, my favorite side couple would be, without any doubt, Saifah and Zon! Omg I love them so much! For anyone that doesn’t know, Saifah and Zon are from the recent BL drama Why R U the series. Surprisingly enough, they were not actually supposed to be a side couple. They were…

  • recaps

    [Why R U] Episode 13 Recap – The Finale

    So we have finally reached the end of the season and I feel a bunch of conflicting things. Our two main couples both got their happy ending and I am happy about that. But I am sad that there aren’t anymore episodes. There could have still been so much more to give us viewers between the main couples as well as the side couples, so I can’t help but feel a little dissatisfied with that. This was also a short episode! Waahhhhh In this episode, Tutor and Fighter talk out their issues and make up. Fighter hashed things out with his dad and before leaving for the beach, his dad…

  • recaps

    [Why R U] Episode 12 Recap

    Episode 12 really and truly had me on an emotional rollercoaster. I actually had to pause a few time because I was not expecting the emotional baggage this show is giving me right now. Episode 11 left off with Tutor and Fighter breaking up and let me tell you, the break up only gets messier, my goodness! Things for Tutor and Fighter look like they are going straight down the drain. Tutor is still being secretive about why he is breaking up with Fighter and I honestly hate it. Fighter absolutely bares his entire soul to Tutor in this episode and Tutor just completely destroys him. Like, I know why…

  • recaps,  Thai drama

    [Why R U] Episode 11 Recap

    Okay, so I have been putting off watching this episode for too long. But it’s because I know that things are about to get messy between Tutor and Fighter and I’m just not ready for that lol. Like, I literally had butterflies before watching each part of the episode. We just got done having a wonderful time down at the beach. And just like Fighter, I’m not ready to go back to reality just yet! I want to linger in the afterglow of everything they experienced together. Alas, we cannot and it doesn’t take long for ish to hit the fan once they get back home either. So they arrive…

  • Thai drama,  Uncategorized

    [Why R U] No Episode 11

    After all the build up of the past two episodes, I am sad to say…….there’s no real episode 11! Waaaaaaa!!!! Episode 11 of WHY R U the series is just a behind the scenes look at filming while also giving the actors a chance to speak to the camera about certain scenes. It’s nice to be able to see everything that goes into filming and acting. I always have respect for good actors, but seeing the behind the scenes stuff makes me have an even bigger appreciation for everything that goes into the creation. I had no idea that there was going to be a hiatus week of the episodes…

  • recaps

    [Why R U] Episode 10 Recap

    Episode 10 of Why R U is another episode that is worth the long wait. With the exception of literally only four minutes, this episode is again devoted to Tutor and Fighter. In the beginning, we get a brief scene of Saifah and Zon all cuddly on the bed. I can’t help it, I squealed. Saifah and Zon are seriously my favorite couple in this series lol. Saifah and Zon spent the night together and Zon is all snuggly in Saifah’s arms. Sai is trying to get Zon to wake up because it’s almost noon but Zon is so comfy and sleepy he doesn’t want to wake up. So Sai…

  • recaps

    [Why R U] Episode 9 Recap

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW WWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!! Episode 9 was SPICY!! It was absolutely everything we were warned about! We were warned, but I still wasn’t reaaaddyyyyy omg. Episode 9 is back to having crappy nonsensical subtitles. This episode is also devoted completely to Fighter and Tutor. We get absolutely no one else and I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I kind of missed Saifah and Zon. They are my pure little angels and I want to see more of their development. But I’m sure we’ll get back to them soon enough. Fighter and Tutor have made a complete 180 in their relationship. It’s almost like they never even hated each other…