Day 17 prompt: Favorite Kiss! Out of all the prompts so far, this was by far the easiest for me to choose. My all time favorite kiss is the Kongpob and Arthit rooftop kiss from SOTUS The Series season 1. There are just so many things about this kiss that make me squeal and feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
All the angst that led up to the kiss in the first place, the fact that just before the kiss was when Arthit admitted in front of all his friends that they were dating, and also how shy they both got right after the kiss. Omggg I heart them <3

I also like this scene because I believe it was beautifully shot. The quiet rooftop where Kongpob and Arthit have some alone time, the night sky, the fairy lights that were decorating the rooftop railings. It had such a soft and romantic feeling to it that I find myself thinking about this scene often, even though I first watched SOTUS back in 2016. I just love the show so much and this was hands down, one of the best scenes in the series. It was such a sweet moment and I couldn’t have asked for anything better. Well done!