• Thoughts & Randomness

    30 Day BL Drama Challenge – [Day 15]

    Day 15 prompt: Favorite BL drama trope. HATE TO LOVE! I don’t even know why but I liiiivvveeee for this trope. Especially when it’s done right. And for the record, no, TharnType did not do this trope justice and I don’t care if you disagree lol. It’s my personal opinion. Dramas that actually did a good job with this trope: SOTUS The Series Why R U The Series Dark Blue Kiss Make Our Days Count My Bromance (the movie) These are actually some of my favorite couples and you can read my post on all my faves here. As more and more films and series come out, I’m sure I…

  • Thoughts & Randomness,  Uncategorized

    My Favorite BL Couples

    Hello and Happy New Year everyone! 2019 is offically over and I want to start the new year on this blog by sharing some of my favorite BL couples with you all. Now, this is not my favorites for the year 2019 only. These are my all-time favorite couples from dramas and movies I have completed, in no particular order. When compiling this list for myself, I have realized something. I seem to grow an attachment to couples where both or at least one of them love unapologetically with their whole heart. They only have one person on their mind and even if being with this person is new territory…