• reviews,  Thai drama

    [TharnType] Episode 2

    So Episode 2 picks up right where Episode 1 left off: with both boys in bed together, only Type is now covered in hickeys. It’s morning now and Tharn is calling Type, trying to get him to wake up. Type is busy getting all snuggly until he realizes who exactly he’s snuggling up to. He finally opens his eyes and falls out the bed in a panic cursing like a sailor and calling Tharn all types of names. When Tharn realizes that he’s really serious, shaking in fear, and actually looks scared, he explains to him that nothing happened and Type is the one who crawled into his bed. Or…

  • reviews,  Thai drama

    [TharnType] Episode 1

    TharnType the series has officially started! And my oh my have we gotten off to a quick start! I have been waiting for months for this show to finally air and yaaaayyy Episode 1 has finally made it’s debut. I’m a bit torn between doing reviews or recaps, but I think I will just stick with reviews. I know I’m going to want to talk about my feelings and opinions towards things more so let’s get started! Episode 1 starts off with a bang. We meet Type who is on the soccer team. He does this whole monologue about himself so we as the viewer can get to know him.…